Programming and Tech News
Slashdot - miscellaneous technology news
Reddit/r/programming - Reddit thread all about programming
DZone - various programming news that you can browse by categories like AI, WebDev, IoT etc.
Hacker News - various tech news
Ars Technica - various tech news
The Next Web - various tech news
Coding Horror - blog about various things programming, unfortunately rather inactive recently
Tech Crunch - various tech news
A List Apart - interesting blog posts from various authors on tech topics
The Valuable Dev - regular posts about programming
PHP The Right Way - collection of useful posts on various PHP best practices
PHP Weekly - weekly newsletter compiling PHP news and resources
PHP Watch - general PHP news
Nomad PHP - access to PHP talks and conferences, also offers PHP courses
Larvel Blog - latest news from the Laravel world
Tomas Voruba Blog - weekly posts about PHP - regular posts about PHP stuff
Online Education
Udemy - loads of diferent video courses that go on offer quite often and can be snatched for around $10
Fanatical eBook/eLearning Bundles - various eBook or eLearning bundles, a lot of them coming from Packt
Laracasts - video courses focused mainly on Laravel development, but covering also a wider range of web development topics
Packt - lots of books and some video tutorial on software development
Coding Practice
Git Immersion - step-by-step introduction to Git commands
Learn Git Branching - awesome interactive Git tutorial
GitHub Docs - learn how to use all GitHub features
Think Like a Git - Git explained in a very approachable way
Getting Hired
We Work Remotely - website publishing only remote job offers
LinkedIn - most popular job portal
Refactoring Guru - code smells and design patterns explained in a very approachable way
Java Design Patterns - massive list of Java design patterns with explanations
Source Making - software architecture pattern and antipatterns